People of Influence

It is a natural tendency  to want to influence others, to make a difference, to leave a legacy. When we become believers, the Spirit works in our lives giving us the desire to influence others for His glory.   As we find our joy in Him, we are compelled to direct others to our Source of joy.    This is a healthy desire, but sometimes the goal of glorifying God can get lost in the effort. For me, this happens when I begin to concentrate on the influence rather than on my relationship with God. When I focus on making a difference, I get sidetracked. But Jesus said, “He who believes in me, out of Him will flow rivers of living water.” (John 7:38) As I live a life that shows I believe Him, rivers of living water flow from me. it is not something I need “manage”. It is a by-product of believing Him.

Oswald Chambers suggests, “If we are conscious of our influence, it ceases to have the genuine loveliness that is characteristic of the touch of Jesus.” When I think back over my life and  spiritual journey, many people stand out as great  influences. I wonder how many of them are even aware of their impact in my life, because like Chambers implies, they were conscious primarily of Christ. Of course, I don’t mean they weren’t purposeful in their life. On the contrary their purpose was wholly in following Christ, and in doing that, they modeled for me a life of holy pursuit.

My grandmother is one of those people. Just a few years away from retirement, she and my gramps sold their farm, gave most of the money away to struggling missionaries, left everything familiar and moved to a foreign country to serve as missionaries for twenty years. Their friends, even church friends, thought they were crazy. Grams has often told me a story about one Christian lady asking her, “Are you sure you know what you’re doing? So close to retirement? ” Grams was so convinced that Jesus is worth obeying, even when His calling seems absurd, that she brushed off these inquiries.  She has lived in such a way that shows Jesus can always be trusted; through Him is the greatest Joy; an He is truly the greatest Treasure of life. And she taught me, simply by allowing rivers of His living water to flow out of her.





1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Kbh
    Aug 17, 2011 @ 22:12:55

    Love love love this post. So true! So many Christians have no idea about this too! Thank u for posting this 🙂


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