
Marshall, my 13 year old thinker, made an interesting comment about light and reflection. “You know, I’ve figured out that reflection isn’t just what we see in a mirror. It is what light does. We see things because light reflects off of them.” Interesting observation. It really made me think, not just of the physical world, and the science of light and sight, but of the spiritual world, and the wonder of our calling to be reflectors.

God created each of us in His image. And when we enter into a relationship with Him through salvation, we receive the responsibility and privilege of being reflectors of His glory in this world. Jesus told his disciples, “I am the light of the world.”  John, referring to Jesus calls him the “Light of life.” Then Jesus told his disciples, “You are the light of the world; let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and GLORIFY YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN!”  (Matt. 5:14a, 16) How can we be the light of the world if Jesus is the light of the world? Only by reflecting His light of life.

Oswald Chambers puts it this way, “I am called to live in such a perfect relationship with God that my life produces a yearning for God in the lives of others, not admiration for myself.” This compels me to pursue God with utmost abandon. It challenges me, not to think on the responsibility of shedding light–but on being with Jesus. When I am living in constant communion with Him, I will reflect His glory! My life will be a light to turn people to God. Others will see God because His light will be reflecting in me!