Obedience without an Explanation

Recently I have been meditating on issue of obedience. God’s Word has plenty of clear instruction for believers, that as we rely on the Holy Spirit, He works out in our lives. But what about all the day to day choices we make and plans we have, that are not directly addressed in Scripture? How do we know when God is speaking to us on those issues? Do we listen to Him when He speaks?  Do we obey.

I have come to a few conclusions based on my own track record. One is that I often asked God to explain Himself if He impresses something on my heart that according to my way of thinking doesn’t make sense. I find myself thinking, “Why would God ask me to do that?” especially if it is a step I’m reticent to take. What if it makes me look foolish? What if I end up running out of resources or time, because I use it all up doing something “reckless”? Furthermore, do I only expect his Spirit to speak to me in answer to my requests? Or do I listen for that still small voice to direct me in any area He desires?

I have also found that I tend to think I can handle the regular routine of daily life, and only need to trust God for the “big” issues. I expect that he will give me direction on where to send my kids to school, what church to join, or if we should move. But do I expect Him to weigh in on which day is a good day to go to the beach, or whether I should add another class to my schedule at school?

Both of these conclusions quickly reveal how little I actually trust my Father. When Jesus finished feeding the 5,000 on the side of the mountain, he compelled his disciples to head back across the lake without him. The Bible says that He made them go. Likely this mandate didn’t make a lot of sense to them. They could have argued with him, that they would just wait until He was ready to go with them. And maybe they did. But whether they argued or not, we know that they did get into the boat, and ended up in the middle of the lake, late at night, with a tremendous storm brewing. The waves were huge and they were rowing for all they were worth. I bet they thought then, “See, Jesus was crazy sending us out here like this. We should have stayed on shore and waited for Him.” But the Creator of the weather new exactly what kind of mess they were in, and He was about to blow their minds.

The disciples witnessed the incredible miracle of Jesus walk on water, because they had obeyed Him, even when His directions seemed sketchy. Peter actually got to join Him on the water! And then Jesus calmed the wind and the waves, right before their very eyes.

Sometimes, when I obey God, things don’t get easier, they get even harder. One thing I have learned over and over again is not to doubt in darkness, what I obeyed in light.

The Bible is fraught with stories of people who obeyed God, and saw no immediate results, or saw things get worse. Daniel is another amazing example. He became well respected in all the land because of his wisdom. God used him as he followed and obeyed. Then, wham! His enemies devise a plan that looks like his demise if he chooses to continue in obedience to God. Danial obeyed God and things got worse! A lot worse…as in a lion’s den full of angry beasts, worse! But God was about to blow some people’s minds with that one too! And the next thing Daniel knew he’d made friends with the lions and survived the most harrowing night of his life.

Daniel’s companions provide a most compelling example of obedience. Shadreach, Meshach, and Abednego told the king straight up, “God can rescue us from you! But even if He doesn’t, we are still choosing to obey. There’s nothing you can do to make us disobey our God.”

That is the kind of trust in God that I long for. Even if He asks crazy things of me, I want to follow. I want to obey Him with abandon. I don’t need explanations. I cannot exclude Him from my day-to-day life. I would rather be marked a maniac with God, than live by the world’s wisdom without Him.