My Heart Has Heard You Say…

I read this passage in Psalm 27 the other day and it really jumped off the page: “My heart has heard you say, ‘come and talk with me.’ And my heart responds, ‘Lord I am coming.’ ” This brief but precious dialogue between the Psalmist and His Lord, reminds me how intensely personal God is. He is intentional and purposeful in His pursuit.

I have pondered the phrase, “My heart has heard you say…”  Often I have wished that God would just speak out loud to me in a voice my ears can hear. Instead God chooses to speak in a voice that goes much deeper than my physical ears. He speaks to the heart.  But all to often my heart becomes preoccupied with other voices, and I can miss His precious invitation. Sometimes my heart hears Him speak  through the pain and suffering I face in this life. It’s as if He uses that pain as a mega-phone. Other times He uses the blessings of life to magnify His voice to my heart. Either way, I don’t want to miss it!

Is that you, Lord, I can hear?
With my heart,
Not with my ears.
Is that you, Lord, calling me?
“Come and talk,
And you will see,
How great and deep and wild,
Is my love, for you,
my child.”

Is that you, Lord, can it be?
Are you calling,
And wanting me?
Is that you, Lord, calling me?
My heart says yes!
And I rise with glee.
Your voice so precious I can hear.
I know it well,
And count it dear.

I am coming, oh, my king.
To be with you,
Makes my heart sing.
In your presence is joy untold.
In you I find,
Treasure purer than gold.
Thousands of years on this earth won’t do.
I would trade them all.
For one day with you.